Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Iron Sharpens Iron

I want to answer 15 calls a shift.
I want to see the sunrise after a 2nd alarm.
I want to spend my career at our busiest stations.

I will better myself mentally and physically for my calling every single day.
I will treat every citizen and fellow firefighter with respect whether or not they deserve it.
I will not be deterred, defeated, or dissuaded. 

Tell me I'm going to burn out. I'm sure thousands of great firemen before me heard the same thing. But if it makes you feel better somehow, go ahead and say it. I feed off your negative energy. It burns within me. I will do the right thing with the right attitude and hearing the words of the disgruntled is like throwing jet fuel onto a bonfire. Lions never lose sleep over the opinion of the sheep.

In that same vein you will never better yourself by pulling others down. Iron sharpens iron. 

Attitude is a decision. Choose every day to be hungry. Choose every day not to settle. Choose every day to do a little more. For better or worse attitude is contagious. Over time others will begin to act like you. If you are miserable it may very well be that you don't like being around yourself. Choose to be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. It's easier than you think. Be unmovable. Be consistent. Be true. Be a student of the craft.

The chorus of voices from the Relentless has drowned out the cry of those who have been unable to see beyond the boundary of their comfort zone. Rise up and own yourself; at the end of the day no one else is responsible for you but you.

Now let's go to work.


The Relentless Few

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